US Commercial Services Provider

International Type Approval and Safety Approval

Compliance Specialty International Associatess

Is country specific certification required or is CE/FCC approval sufficient?

  • Country specific certification required

What is the lead time to obtain type approval?

  • 3-4 weeks

Are there any marking or logo requirements?

  • No marking requirements.

Is in country testing required or can we leverage existing FCC or CE test reports?

  • We can leverage your FCC test reports as part of the application process. Contact CSIA for more details.

What are the types of equipment that would require approval in this country?

  • Most products using telecom technology such as WIFI, Bluetooth, cellular and satellite.

Do I need an in country local representative or local certificate holder?

  • No.

Saint Maarten

61535 SW Hwy 97

Suite 5635

Bend, Oregon 97702

503 482 9289


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Compliance Specialty International Associates
Type approval in Saint Maarten

Custom Solutions For Your Needs

Saint Maarten Regulatory Approval Overview

​CSIA can provide supporting services should your company not be able to meet

country specific requirements such as a local representative, local certificate holder, translating documents into the native language, etc.

Contact  one of our friendly associates today, they are happy to assist you!

CSIA also offers FCC CertificationsCE CertificationsISED Canada.

Contact CSIA at (503) 482 9289 or

For Information on FCC Certifications, CE Mark or International Approvals

Contact CSIA: (503) 482 9289 or e-mail us at