Is country specific certification required or is CE/FCC approval sufficient?

               Country specific certification required

               What is the lead time to obtain type approval?

               10-12 weeks

               Are there any marking or logo requirements?


               Is in country testing required or can we leverage existing FCC or CE test reports?

               Most products require in-country testing 

               What are the types of equipment that would require approval in this country?

               Most products using telecom technology such as WIFI, Bluetooth, cellular and satellite.

               Do I need an in country local representative or local certificate holder?



               Type approval in Brazil synapse.

               The regulatory agency in Brazil has many authorized CABs under it that perform the actual approval work  required for type approval in Brazil.

               These OCDs are similar to the CABs in the USA that perform the FCC work required for FCC approval.
               Information about your product is submitted to our OCD in Brazil.

               The OCD in Brazil will determine which Category your product falls into.

               Category 1 – equipment used by the general public
               Requires more extensive EMC testing, user manual in Portuguese. Requires yearly review.

               Category 2 -  equipment outside definition of Category 1, which utilizes RF
               Usually requires manual in Portuguese. Requires review every 2 years.

               Category 3 -  higher technology equipment, such as network  interconnection equipment.
               User manual can be in English: Under Category III, there is no safety (Resolution 238) testing required for approval. 

               There are some EMC (Resolution 442) testing, but it’s minimal.

               The only time a review is required for a Category 3 product is if the company changes names or technology in the equipment.

               For products with external power supplies they must be tested with the product.

               Some power supplies and products may also require approval by INMETRO.

               INMETRO issues safety approvals in Brazil whereas ANATEL issues type approvals or homologation certificates.

               Once the Category of your product has been established test requirements are issued.
               Testing is completed at one of our authorized labs in Brazil.

               The compliance package along with the test results are submitted by our OCD to ANTAEL for review and approval.


type approval

Tailored Solutions For Your Needs

Type Approval ANATEL

Type Approval in Brazil

For Information on FCC, CE Mark or International Approvals

Contact CSIA: (503) 482 9289 or e-mail us at

International Type Approval and Safety Approval


               CSIA can provide supporting services should your company not be able to meet country specific requirements such as a local representative,

               local certificate holder, translating documents into the native language, etc.

               CSIA also offers 
FCC CertificationsCE CertificationsISED Canada and International Approvals.

               Contact CSIA at (503) 482 9289 or

Brazil Type Approval

Regulatory Updates For Brazil

Brazil update

April 2024

This week (April 17th) ANATEL published the new Act 5155 with testing requirements for Mobile phone’s Chargers. This new act will come into force on October 14th, 2024, replacing the actual Act 5159.

Here are the main changes with the new Act 5155:

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Levels for Vehicular Chargers: Under the new Act, the ESD requirements for Vehicular Chargers have been refined. Specifically, ESD must now comply with Item 8.3 of ISO 10605/2008, with levels set at 6 kV (removed 2/4kV) for contact discharges and 8 kV (removed 4/6kV) for air discharges.

Streamlined Surge and Transient Immunity Testing: For Vehicular Chargers, Surge and transient immunity testing now only need to be applied in pulses 2a, 3a, and 3b, as per ISO 7637-2/2004, eliminating the requirement for pulses 2b.

Safety Tests on Wall Adapters: The new regulations stipulate that 22 normal samples of the adapter will be required for safety testing, ensuring robust assessment procedures.

Dimensional test for wall adapters’ Plug: Effective from January 1st, 2025, adapters will be mandatory to demonstrate compliance with the dimension specifications, as per item 9.1 of standard ABNT NBR NM 60884-1/2010 (Plugs and sockets for domestic and similar use) and Annex A of standard ABNT NBR 14136/2012 (Plugs and sockets for domestic and similar use up to 20A/250 V in AC current). If manufacturer wishes to already testing using Act 5155, this dimensional requirement will be optional for chargers homologated before Jan 1st, 2025.

New mechanical, electrical and thermal stresses testing for wall adaptor: 1,000 cycles of connection and disconnection to see if there is any deterioration that affects safety or prevents their subsequent use, withstand voltage (2000V) after the connection/disconnection cycle to check leakage current. Chargers must withstand mechanical testing such as Free Fall, Impact, Compression, Traction, and Abrasion tests without exhibiting safety-compromising deterioration.

As for Oct 14th, all renewal of wall adapters used for mobile phones, it will be necessary to update the CoC to the new Act 5155 doing the new safety testing. Vehicles chargers done according to Act 5159 will not need to repeat testing during the renewal.

April 2024

Recently ANATEL published the Act 2921, defining the new technical requirements for Personal Mobile Service Radio Frequency Repeaters with 4G LTE and 5G NR technology, which is already in force in Brazil.

This new regulation defines the new testing standards for 4G and 5G technologies, as below:

1)    LTE FDD tests will be carried out According to ETSI TS 136 143 V17.0.0 (2022-04):

a) 6. Output power
b) 7. Frequency Stability
c) 8. Out of band gain
d) Operating band unwanted emissions
e) Spurious emission
f) 13. Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACRR)

2) LTE TDD tests will be carried out According to ETSI TS 136 141 V15.4.0 (2018-10):

a) 6.2. Base station output power.
b) 6.4. Transmit ON/OFF power (TDD).
c) 6.5.1. Frequency error.
d) 6.6.1. Occupied bandwidth.
e) 6.6.2. Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR).
f) 6.6.3. Operating band unwanted emissions.
g) Test requirements for Wide Area BS (Category B) e seus subitens no que for aplicável.
h) Transmitter spurious emissions.

3) 5G NR FR1 (Conducted tests) tests will be carried out According to ETSI TS 138.115-1 V17.0.0 (2023-01):

a) 6.2. Repeater Output Power.
b) 6.3. Frequency stability.
c) 6.4. Out of band gain.
d) 6.5.2. Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR).
e) 6.5.3. Operating band unwanted emissions.
f) 6.5.4. Transmitter spurious emissions.
g) 6.9. Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACRR).
h) 6.10. Transmit ON/OFF power.

4) 5G NR FR1 (Radiated tests) tests will be carried out According to ETSI TS 138.115-2 V17.0.0 (2023-01):

a) 6.2. OTA Output Power.
b) 6.3. OTA frequency stability.
c) 6.4. OTA Out of band gain.
d) 6.5.2. OTA Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR).
e) 6.5.3. OTA Operating band unwanted emissions.
f) 6.5.4. OTA transmitter spurious emissions.
g) 6.8. OTA Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACRR).
h) 6.9. OTA transmit ON/OFF power.

ANATEL Public Consultation for Re-evaluation of the Regulation for Conformity Assessment and Approval of Telecommunications Products
​Public consultation No.13/2024 is published by ANATEL on February 29, 2024, for re-evaluation of the regulation for conformity assessment and approval of telecommunications products. 
After 3 years of practical application of the regulation, it was observed that certain issues have not been adequately addressed, which required a reanalysis of the points considered most critical.
As a result of the need to improve the regulation in question, studies were carried out by the Agency's technical committee, which resulted in the following topics of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Report, which is attached to this process.

Theme 01 - Infractions and Sanctions in the Conformity Assessment and Approval
Theme 02 - Legitimized to Homologation
Theme 03 - Homologation
Theme 04 - Treatment of Refurbished or Refurbished

End date for comments: April 15, 2024.

March 2024

On March 15, 2024, the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) published Act No. 2921 on Technical Requirements for Conformity Assessment of Personal Mobile Service Radio Frequency Repeaters with 4G LTE and 5G NR Technologies.

December 2023

The Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) has published supplementary instructions related to the operational procedure governing the conformity assessment of telecommunications products by certification. The primary aim is to establish uniformity in understanding and procedures among the Designated Certification Bodies (OCDs).

November 2023

​The Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) has extended the validity period of the old technical and testing procedures used in the conformity assessment of chargers for cellular mobile phones, thereby extending the transitional period during which both the old and the new technical and testing procedures remain valid.